Youth in handcuffs

March - National Criminal Justice Month: Youth & Crime

March 28, 20252 min read

 March is National Criminal Justice Month (NCJM), which Congress designated in 2009 to: 

  • raise awareness about how crime impacts individuals, communities, and society, and  

  • encourage active involvement in strategies to prevent and respond to crime 

The Science of Adolescence  

How developmental changes influence youth behavior 

Adolescent brains undergo significant development, similar to infancy where there is an explosion of neural changes, such as: 

These developments, while normal, can lead to a greater desire for novelty, excitement, and risk taking

Offending behavior: 

Offending Behavior Graph

  • typically rises in late childhood 

  • peaks during the teenage years (15-19), and 

  • declines in the early 20s 

Studies agree that 40-60% of young people involved in delinquent behavior stop by early adulthood because: 

  • as their brains mature, they are less likely to take risks or act impulsively  

  • changes in their surroundings can influence them to stop 

  • changes in their surroundings can promote healthy behaviors 

  • helpful programs and people can make a difference 

With positive support, many young people will naturally stop committing crimes

This developmental stage is a key reason why the juvenile justice system often focuses on rehabilitation rather than just punishment.  

Beyond the Headlines: The Surprising Reality of Youth Violent Crime 

Violent crime is down, and common offenses are not what you expect 

We often hear, or even say ourselves, something like, “Kids these days are worse than ever!” This couldn’t be further from the truth //But perception doesn’t match reality//the stats: 

  • Youth violent crime arrests and incarceration are 75% lower than the late 1990s 

  • The most common youth crimes include shoplifting, fighting, skipping school, and experimenting with drugs and alcohol

Community Solutions: Supporting Youth, Reducing Crime 

Concerned about youth behavior? Proactive engagement and mentorship can transform adolescence, reduce crime, and foster trust in communities 

Adolescents face many challenges as they undergo significant changes. While many young people naturally “age out” of risky behaviors, their environment plays a crucial role. That's why we champion youth engagement strategies that go beyond reactive measures: 

  • Positive, Proactive Mentorship: Guiding young people toward healthy choices 

  • Collaborative Partnerships: Uniting law enforcement, schools, community organizations, and families 

  • Creating Supportive Environments: Cultivating spaces that encourage healthy youth development while discouraging delinquency  

The Impact: 

By investing in these strategies, we don’t just address immediate concerns; we build a foundation for safer, more resilient communities. We empower young people to reach their full potential, ensuring a brighter future for everyone. 

Ready to Make a Difference?

We believe in proactive strategies that empower officers and young people to create safer communities. Partner with us today to implement these transformative strategies in your community.

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